Showing posts with label control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label control. Show all posts

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Lo digo Yo..NO es los extremos politos o conceptos de estado y economias que aplican los gobernantes.. Es .. JR Comenta.

Capitalismo o Socialismo o Como mas llamarlo...

 La foto y los hechos son marcan de una verdad que Yo la entiendo en concepto de que calidad de vida que los gobiernos y sus gobernantes le dan a la nación  No es llamar aquí Capitalismo y Socialismo es ver la calidad de vida que se quiere tener y dar. TODOS tenemos acceso a lo mismo en los dos estados y las mismas oportunidades de Educación y Desarrollo. Como queramos vivir es otra cosa. 
Usamos y se escucha mucho que dicen y o decimos que en los gobiernos dictadores de la derecha el pueblo sufre de hambre y no tiene acceso a la educación y a la salud y al trabajo. Decimos q en los Gobiernos de izquierda el pueblo tiene todo menos el acceso al desarrollo privado. Siempre digo vayamos y miremos y no escuchemos que dicen pues las voces son amplias y los ojos miran de manera distinta las cosas.
Lo que si es cierto es que los unos provocan a los otros y el circulo comienza. La historia del planeta lo dicen en cada paso que por generaciones hemos vivido. Roma. Grecia y China. Rusia y Cuba y Chile y Argentina y Brasil y Nicaragua y . y podría seguir. Suben unos y bajan otros que solo la meta de poder tienen y las arcas personales aumentar.
Buscamos en palabras como Derecha e Izquiera la disputa y entre capitalismo y comunismo o socialismo esconder la verdad. Todos queremos el bienestar y el desarrollo de todos. Unos hacemos falta y otros aportamos y otros somo parte de y otros hacen parte de, pero todos somos una nación donde quiera que vivamos. La diferencia es la calidad de vida. Los sectores económicos establecidos y sólidos en un país son basicos y parte del desarrollo de una nación y al cual  por su industria permite una fuerza laboral que da por tu trabajo la capacidad de educación y vida. Vida digna digo yo al permitir que todos mejores su calidad de vida. Todos alcancen el nivel de educación Y todos su acceso a los servicios de salud. Todo tiene un valor y  por ello todos trabajamos o generamos trabajo..
Los nuevos lideres necesitan dar un enfoque en el cual el rencor armado por politiquería oportunista y separatista hoy en día nos abriga. Necesitamos lideres que le den el valor a lo trabajado y al compromiso al trabajador. Una sociedad comprometida en el desarrollo participativo y equitativo y realista.  
Un líder que abra los espacios del rencor y de las diferencias sociales o niveles de vida... Un líder que con conceptos claros y lógica social integre los valores sociales y modere la justicia. NO es de derechas o Izquierdas .. NO es de capitalismo y Socialismo. es de Calidad de vida.
Doctrinas y Mensajes equivocados que confunden a las personas sin contemplar su necesidad única de vida. Promesas de economías viables y claras que no permiten el crecimiento y desarrollo total de una país. Alimentar al mas necesitado no es desarrollar una nación, es como sembrar en campo árido. Educar sin el recurso de trabajo es como un libro en distinto idioma.
Las revoluciones de Izquierda o Derecha a donde han logrado llevar y llegar .. Alimentación  Educación , Vestir, Vivir todos son elementos necesarios de vida y desarrollo y quien los provee.. La industria, Los centros de estudios, las fabricas y los desarrollos. Y quien los fomenta.  Los sistemas de economía fuertes y estructurados y bien administrados. Y quien se favorece.. TODOS.  para una mejor calidad de vida y condiciones Dignas.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

For Democrats, there's no room for anybody to be personally opposed to paying for someone else's birth control...Do Republicans really want to take contraception away from American women? JR Topics

Goldberg: Birth control agitprop

For Democrats, there's no room for anybody to be personally opposed to paying for someone else's birth control.
By Jonah Goldberg
In 1984, Mario Cuomo pioneered the argument that one may be "personally opposed" to abortionwhile supporting abortion rights.
Ever since, this convenient locution has become a staple for countless Democratic politicians, particularly Roman Catholic ones.
Cuomo's argument was a mess. For instance, in order to buttress his argument he touted the (alleged) refusal of American Catholic bishops to forcefully denounce slavery. The bishops "weren't hypocrites; they were realists," Cuomo explained. They offered a "measured attempt to balance moral truths against political realities."
As Ramesh Ponnuru writes in "The Party of Death": "It is a mark of the strength of contemporary liberalism's commitment to abortion that one of its leading lights should have been willing to support temporizing on slavery in order to defend it."
I bring this up because according to the logic of Democratsthese days, Cuomo and politicians who think as he does must want to ban abortion. It doesn't matter that they support abortion rights, in word and deed. They are personally opposed to abortion, usually as a matter of faith, and so they must favor banning it.
That's the upshot of the shockingly dishonest propaganda being peddled by leading Democrats and media outlets about the Republican push to "ban" contraception.
Part of the problem is simply psychological projection. Because many liberals believe there's no valid limiting principle on government's ability to do "good," they assume that conservatives believe there's no valid limiting principle to do "bad."
Rick Santorum, who unproductively helped inject birth control into the GOP primaries, nonetheless explained the flaw in this thinking. "Here's the difference between me and the left, and they don't get this: Just because I'm talking about it doesn't mean I want a government program to fix it. That's what they do. That's not what we do."
But don't tell that to the Democrats who are desperate to accuse the Republicans of Comstockery.
"Let's admit what this debate is really and what Republicans really want to take away from American women. It is contraception," Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) outrageously claimed while opposing the Blunt amendment. Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg (D-N.J.) said the GOP was yearning to return to "the Dark Ages … when women were property that you could easily control, trade even, if you wanted to."
The Obama campaign insists that "if Mitt Romney and a few Republican senators get their way, employers could be making women's healthcare decisions for them" and require that women seek a permission slip to obtain birth control.
It's all so breathtakingly dishonest. Rather than transport us to President Franklin Pierce's America, never mind Charlemagne's Europe, the Blunt amendment would send America hurtling back to January 2012. That's when women were free to buy birth control from their local Ralphs orWal-Mart, and religious employers could opt not to subsidize the purchase. What a terrifying time that must have been for America's women.
To be sure, Republicans invited some of this madness upon themselves. But it was President Obama who started this mess by breaking his vow to religious institutions to allow them to keep the same conscience protections that evenHillary Rodham Clinton's proposed healthcare reforms in 1994 recognized as essential.
The lying demonization of Republicans isn't nearly so offensive, or at least surprising, as the extremist policy assumptions liberals are now using to defend Obama's "accommodation" of religious institutions. They argue, in short, that if employers and the government — i.e. taxpayers — do not provide birth control (and an abortifacient), for "free," then they are banning birth control. Taking them seriously — no easy task — Democrats are saying that there's no legitimate realm outside of government.
In other words, there's no room for anybody to be personally opposed to paying for someone else's birth control. That means the people who want birth control to be a personal matter and no one else's business are demagogically fighting for a policy in which your birth control is in fact everyone's business, starting with the government's.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

As the nation ponders how to stop the next mass shooting, the gun rights movement offers a straight-forward formula, laid out famously by NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre. JR Topics.

Armed 'Good Guys' And The Realities Of Facing A Gunman