Showing posts with label abortion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abortion. Show all posts

Monday, August 20, 2018

La pedofilia es un derecho revolucionario.. JR con escrito de Mario J. Pacheco

Se es un poco imposible racionalizar la desicion de la justicia colombiana y en especial de la corte constitucional, al avalar la verdad de un crimen como un acto de perdón y paz.  Es un crimen contra la paz acceder al perdón de genocidios, abortos, violaciones y otros mil mas crímenes por el simple pacto de la Habana en la cual ya todos sabemos y no por Macías la realidad.  
Les dejo este artículo de Mario J. Pacheco.

La pedofilia es un derecho revolucionario
- 18 Agosto, 2018  -
Por Mario Javier Pacheco

No solo el asesinato, el secuestro, el robo, la tortura, etc., quedaron ratificados como conexos al delito político, sino la violación infantil, según decidió el 15 de agosto la Corte Constitucional, en un fallo tan polémico como la sentencia del delincuente presidente de la Corte Suprema, Leonidas Bustos, en mayo de 2009: “Si la víctima no opone resistencia a su agresor, el sexo es consentido”

La Corte se justificó diciendo que “las penas dentro de la JEP no se aplican por la naturaleza del delito, sino por el grado de justicia, reparación y verdad” Y Pilatos se lavó las manos.

Es otro coletazo de la “paz” de Santos, quien equiparó a las FARC como un Estado en guerra contra Colombia y a sus  terroristas como soldados. Logró su Nobel y creció a las FARC.

Hoy la nación muestra su escándalo, incluso la mitad que aprobó el Sí de los acuerdos, aunque Semana, La W, Caracol, El Tiempo, El Espectador, etc., defensores del adefesio, le dan poca difusión al hecho.

¿Es que no sabían los “amigos de la paz”, que para las FARC y demás terroristas, la mujer, sin importar que tan niña sea, es un botín de guerra?

Solo entre 2008 y 2012 se contabilizaron 48.915 víctimas de violencia sexual menores de 18 años, y entre ellas 232 de niñas y niños con edades entre los 5 y los 13 años, cuyos casos investigó la Fiscalía, según expuso en julio de 2016, el Fiscal encargado Jorge Perdomo.

La pedofilia de las FARC está documentada en infinidad de documentos, como en los testimonios que obtuvo la V División del Ejército entre 2002 y 2004; en los análisis de la ONU entre 2002 y 2012 y en muchos más, que escasamente tienen cabida en el CINEP, del padre de Roux y en el Centro de Memoria Histórica, que están en manos de historiadores y sociólogos mamertos, cuyo interés es presentar al Estado y las fuerzas armadas  como los mayores depredadores y culpables del conflicto.

A los terroristas de las FARC les basta acudir a la JEP y reconocer que en uso de su protesta revolucionaria contra el Estado, violaron una niña de siete años, sobre el cadáver de su padre, para salir libres a reclamar sueldo de senadores.

Leer los incontables testimonios de las pequeñas víctimas, produce estupor y en el Centro de Investigaciones de la Universidad Sergio Arboleda, encontramos el de Lucía:“Me violaron desde los 9 años. Recuerdo que los guerrilleros violaban a las mujeres jóvenes, las obligaban a acompañarlos a sus fiestas. A las que se negaron las mataron”  Y otros:

“En 1995, cuando tenía 14 años, un guerrillero de las Farc me amenazó porque mi hermano prestaba el servicio militar. Cerca del cementerio, él y otros tres guerrilleros. Me violaron por turnos y me dijeron que mi hermano se merecía ese castigo. Yo era virgen…”

“ ‘John 40’, máximo cabecilla, pedía que le llevaran niñas guerrilleras de 12 y 13 años para acostarse con ellas, vírgenes. Le tenía pavor a contraer una enfermedad venérea”

“Tenía 15 años, vivía en la Vega de Cáchira, Norte de Santander en enero de 1997, fui abusada por la guerrilla con otras 15 mujeres. Mataron a los esposos y a otros los amarraron porque se metieron a defendernos”.

Vanessa García ingresó a los 9 años y sufrió abusos sexuales sistemáticos por parte del “Paisa” Oscar Montero, de la Columna Teófilo Forero y cerebro del atentado a El Nogal. Quedó embarazada en tres ocasiones y la hicieron abortar.

Dice Mireya: “El “Paisa”, me violó a los 11 años, y me obligó a abortar tres veces.”

Pastor Alape, senador de la República, reclutó a Sara Morales cuando tenía 11 años, quien asegura, siempre tuvo “compañeras sentimentales menores de edad”. “Él llegó una vez a emborracharse durante dos o tres días y quemaba tiros a lo loco en todo el caserío de La Matilde. Después de eso a dos, tres, cuatro, cinco o seis peladas (niñas) se las llevaba a tener toda clase de actos obscenos”. Sara recuerda: “Me amarraron, me quitaron la ropa, pero con un cuchillo (…) Un tipo gigante me golpeó en la cabeza, perdí el conocimiento y cuando desperté, ya no tenía la ropa puesta. Tenía las manos arriba, amarradas hacia atrás a un palo y él estaba encima mío”,

Mónica era mayor cuando la violaron:“Una noche, en 2002, las Farc se tomaron el caserío a orillas del río Munguidó. Tres guerrilleros me violaron delante de los niños y después llevaron a mi marido donde yo estaba tirada y le dijeron: “Vea, ahora sí cómase el sobrado”. Quedé en embarazo y con gonorrea.”

El Centro de Memoria Histórica (CNMH) reseñó que “Raúl Reyes” violó y abuso de las guerrilleras que estaban bajo su mando “cada niña que llegaba, él las cogía para escolta”, dijo “Gina”. Y agregó, “La primera vez que él quería estar conmigo, me pegó una cachetada y me insultó, me dijo que allá se hacía lo que él dijera”.

Érika dijo: “Me acostumbré a morir cada vez que el comandante me hacía ir a su cambuche. No me escuchó cuando le dije que yo era virgen, y que a pesar de tener los senos ya desarrollados solo tenía doce años”

Luego de la decisión de la Corte, la pedofilia de las FARC se castigará con las penas alternativas de la JEP, -Sembrar flores , por ejemplo, mientras se cobra sueldo de senador- y no por la justicia ordinaria, que también está en manos de la mamertería, pero al menos tiene parámetros inamovibles en los códigos.

Al conocer el absurdo, el Presidente Iván Duque advirtió que “No podemos, bajo ninguna circunstancia, ni atenuar, ni diferenciar, ni tratar de darle un manejo distinto a delito tan grave como la violación y el abuso de niños”. “El que la hace, la paga”

Presidente Duque. El pueblo está con usted.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

For Democrats, there's no room for anybody to be personally opposed to paying for someone else's birth control...Do Republicans really want to take contraception away from American women? JR Topics

Goldberg: Birth control agitprop

For Democrats, there's no room for anybody to be personally opposed to paying for someone else's birth control.
By Jonah Goldberg
In 1984, Mario Cuomo pioneered the argument that one may be "personally opposed" to abortionwhile supporting abortion rights.
Ever since, this convenient locution has become a staple for countless Democratic politicians, particularly Roman Catholic ones.
Cuomo's argument was a mess. For instance, in order to buttress his argument he touted the (alleged) refusal of American Catholic bishops to forcefully denounce slavery. The bishops "weren't hypocrites; they were realists," Cuomo explained. They offered a "measured attempt to balance moral truths against political realities."
As Ramesh Ponnuru writes in "The Party of Death": "It is a mark of the strength of contemporary liberalism's commitment to abortion that one of its leading lights should have been willing to support temporizing on slavery in order to defend it."
I bring this up because according to the logic of Democratsthese days, Cuomo and politicians who think as he does must want to ban abortion. It doesn't matter that they support abortion rights, in word and deed. They are personally opposed to abortion, usually as a matter of faith, and so they must favor banning it.
That's the upshot of the shockingly dishonest propaganda being peddled by leading Democrats and media outlets about the Republican push to "ban" contraception.
Part of the problem is simply psychological projection. Because many liberals believe there's no valid limiting principle on government's ability to do "good," they assume that conservatives believe there's no valid limiting principle to do "bad."
Rick Santorum, who unproductively helped inject birth control into the GOP primaries, nonetheless explained the flaw in this thinking. "Here's the difference between me and the left, and they don't get this: Just because I'm talking about it doesn't mean I want a government program to fix it. That's what they do. That's not what we do."
But don't tell that to the Democrats who are desperate to accuse the Republicans of Comstockery.
"Let's admit what this debate is really and what Republicans really want to take away from American women. It is contraception," Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) outrageously claimed while opposing the Blunt amendment. Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg (D-N.J.) said the GOP was yearning to return to "the Dark Ages … when women were property that you could easily control, trade even, if you wanted to."
The Obama campaign insists that "if Mitt Romney and a few Republican senators get their way, employers could be making women's healthcare decisions for them" and require that women seek a permission slip to obtain birth control.
It's all so breathtakingly dishonest. Rather than transport us to President Franklin Pierce's America, never mind Charlemagne's Europe, the Blunt amendment would send America hurtling back to January 2012. That's when women were free to buy birth control from their local Ralphs orWal-Mart, and religious employers could opt not to subsidize the purchase. What a terrifying time that must have been for America's women.
To be sure, Republicans invited some of this madness upon themselves. But it was President Obama who started this mess by breaking his vow to religious institutions to allow them to keep the same conscience protections that evenHillary Rodham Clinton's proposed healthcare reforms in 1994 recognized as essential.
The lying demonization of Republicans isn't nearly so offensive, or at least surprising, as the extremist policy assumptions liberals are now using to defend Obama's "accommodation" of religious institutions. They argue, in short, that if employers and the government — i.e. taxpayers — do not provide birth control (and an abortifacient), for "free," then they are banning birth control. Taking them seriously — no easy task — Democrats are saying that there's no legitimate realm outside of government.
In other words, there's no room for anybody to be personally opposed to paying for someone else's birth control. That means the people who want birth control to be a personal matter and no one else's business are demagogically fighting for a policy in which your birth control is in fact everyone's business, starting with the government's.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Just as societies are strengthened when families are strong, so families are strengthened when women are empowered. never see abortion for what it is, a way for women to be in charge of their lives.

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Making women the actor in the abortion story
Dr Tracy A Weitz

Forty years on after Roe v Wade, it is imperative we challenge the women-as-victim narrative

In only the first two weeks of 2013, I've read hundreds of press releases from abortion-rights opponents about the cultural demise that has supposedly resulted from 40 years of legal abortion (the anniversary of the Roe v Wade decision is today, January 22). And no matter what they say, contained in all of these documents is a dis empowerment of women in both the decision and the act. Statements such as "since Roe 45 million babies have been killed by abortion" are as frequent as "abortion is the cause of God's wrath". 
This is because it's much easier to see abortion as something we can disagree with when women are eliminated from the story. Note however, that opponents of abortion aren't willing to say 45 million women have murdered their babies, or women themselves are causing God's wrath. They may think it, but to blame women publically for abortion seems somehow callous. Leaving women out of the narrative, or including the new narrative that women are themselves also harmed by abortion, makes women sympathetic victims absolved of responsibility.
Birthplace of US abortion law
Additionally, pro-choice advocates haven't been very good at countering this construction of women as victims, and in fact have fallen prey to their own women-as-victims storyline. In response to proposed restrictions on abortion, pro-choice advocates pull out stories of failed contraception, sexual violence, economic hardships, or wanted pregnancies gone terribly wrong. In a bid to gain public sympathy, the movement stands firm that "no onewants to have an abortion, rather abortion is a necessity imposed on women by circumstances outside her control". While it is true that women needing abortions are often facing challenging life circumstances, the Pro-Choice Movement often focuses on the most egregious examples of "desperate women" who need abortions to the exclusion of supporting women's active decision making. And everyone has contempt for women who use abortion "as a method of birth control".
In this way, what both abortion rights supporters and opponents create a narrative that abortion is something that happens to women. On one side, women in the anti-abortion story are victims of an abortion industry that preys on their vulnerability and makes a profit from their suffering. On the other, women in the pro-choice story are forced to have an abortion by desperate situations. In neither story are women the actors.
Why is it important to challenge the women-as-victim narrative? It's not true and never has been. Since the dawn of time, women have decided if, when and how many children they will have. They make these decisions affirmatively, even under the hardest of circumstances. And, just as societies are strengthened when families are strong, so families are strengthened when women are empowered. These very real female actors also lead social movements to improve their life circumstances, they become the change they want to see in the world.
It is time to return to women the lead role in their abortion stories. Women make decisions to terminate pregnancies because it allows them to control the direction and course of their lives. They are neither victims of a nefarious industry nor passive users of a constitutionally-granted right. Women are responsible for abortions, the number that happen every year and the decisions that cause them. We will never be able to have a real conversation about abortion if we cannot see that women are the actors in the story. Until then we will dance around legal and philosophical issues and never see abortion for what it is, a way for women to be in charge of their lives.

Dr Tracy A Weitz is the Director of the Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health (ANSIRH) programme at the Bixby Center For Reproductive Health at UC San Francisco. She was an appointee of former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to the Women's Health Council, an advisory body to the California Department of Health Services.