Tuesday, January 1, 2013

We wade in our emotions and our feelings about it. JR today's Thoughts

Finding A Solution

When we have a problem, most of the time we tend to give that problem a lot more energy than it’s worth. 

We worry. We think about it. We over-think about it. We wade in our emotions and our feelings about it. 

We make our problems out to be so much bigger than they are, but in comparison to everything that is happening around us and the vastness of the universe, our problems are really the size of a grain of sand. 

Part of finding a solution to our problems is sometimes not to focus on them so much. Go and help someone else with their problems instead. 

By not feeding the issues we have in our lives with unnecessary energy, we can stop buying into the illusion that they’re so huge. Instead, we can start to see the true reality that our problems, though not insignificant, are certainly not mountains and are never insurmountable.

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